3 Nursing friendly dresses for our stylish mamas!

3 Nursing friendly dresses for our stylish mamas!

Motherhood is a whirlwind of joys and challenges, and amidst the chaos, it's common for new mums to prioritise practicality over style. With our nursing-friendly collection, women can effortlessly balance...
Dresses for teachers based on the subject they teach

Dresses for teachers based on the subject they teach!

Hey, stylish educators! Get ready to spice up your classroom vibe with subject-specific dresses! From Visual Arts to English, we're diving into how your wardrobe can rock both education and...
Fashion trends we love.

3 fashion trends we are LOVING at LPD HQ!

Fashion trends are constantly evolving, but here are some fun and noteworthy trends that we have been loving! Bold Prints and Patterns From vibrant florals to geometric designs, bold prints...
5 summer dresses you need!

5 summer dresses you need!

5 summer dresses you need!   Welcome to the ultimate guide to summer style! As the sun stretches its rays longer and the days grow warmer, there's one thing on every...
Embrace the hottest trends with our summer dresses!

Embrace the hottest trends with our summer dresses!

Summer is here, and it's time to elevate your wardrobe with the latest trends that perfectly blend style and comfort for the sunny days ahead. Here's a rundown of what's...